Youre at the wheel.
You get one. It's your vehicle while you're here. You can't get a body transplant so this is your only one. It was small when you were born and as you ate every day it grew following some inbuilt program and depending on the quality of the fuel you put in and the general movement habits you had, and a bit of luck or not, it is what it is today.
No matter, if you say for example decided to eat mostly apples it would never become like an apple it will always grow into more human.
Also depending on the traits that were developed over centuries by your ancestors it might be tall wide small have red hair have one particular snarly tooth big hands tiny ears and be one of a thousand possible skin colours.
Fairly ordinary story so far but here's the magic.
New stuff. If you feel a passion for something you can, through repetition, inform your body that this is something you are now into and could it please modify and get better at it. AND IT WILL!
I remember when I started playing guitar and singing , how absolutely shit I was at it. Just horrible. But I wanted to do it so much that I kept making the movements needed. And my body saw what I was trying to do and it modified itself to help me get good at it. My hands changed, my throat changed my lungs changed. My brain remembered all the stuff I needed to hold onto. I informed it as the years passed and it remembered.
Now people pay me to play music. Whereas when I started I remember my father shouting through the bedroom door "Did you not get tablets for that yet?!" I was making a godawful racket.
Also, whatever you become inside there in the vehicle you've been given, well that's your gift to the world.
Sure you can live your life just for your own buzz. I want to see hear feel taste love move and do as many things for me as I can. But what if you decided to make your life a gift to the world. Use your very short time in this once off vehicle to make the world a better place.
I know one man who can only move his head and eyes. He is paraplegic from the neck down. He was predicted to not live more than a couple of years. He's now in his twenties. He gets fed through a tube and his amazing loving parents have to physically kneed his guts to help his body digest and excrete.
But his home is a centre of love. He communicates clearly to his parents, carers and friends using his eyes. He experiences life, art, love, life, friends, family, nature. He and his family radiate love out into the local community and his life is living tribute to the old story of the beat of the butterflies wing eventually becoming a tornado. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of him and feel love.
So no more excuses. Take one step towards your dream today. No matter what age or ability. Maybe one day it won't be a dream anymore. Either way you'll make friends on the journey and you'll make the world a better place. That means YOU soldier.