If I could give you a pill that would show you what was possible with your life that you hadn't done yet, would you take it?
Emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially? You'd see what's possible for you? In all areas.
I mean it doesn't matter. All you have to do is make the best of where you're at now for fulfilment. No need to drive yourself into an early grave.
I like to run. But I'm not great at it. I don't like running with others. I don't like to compete. I don't like going more than 5 km. If I fancy walking or stopping outright I'll do it.
But I often imagine.
What if Usain Bolt and me switched bodies. All of a split second I'd be inside the finest human running machine on earth. Ever. I'd get a big shock. I'd feel the power. The excellence. Id know how it felt to be immeasurably better at running. Id also be richer and better looking. Win win win win win.
But do you know who'd get a bigger shock? Yes. Poor old Bolty.
He'd stretch out my hands and legs and feel my untrained machine and he'd gasp at the bad deal he'd got. About a stone too heavy. Eats too much sugar and carbs. Hasn't trained properly.
One huge difference between us though would be that he would know exactly what to do with that, down to the minute, to begin training my body. Relentlessly constantly improving by increments. Within a few years he'd have it trained up and running at top performance levels. Diet, training, methods, schedules. The journey back to excellence would be so much shorter for him because he's been down that road before.
But you know what? No matter how hard he trained or no matter how hard he ran?
He'd never bloody catch me.