You tell me tell me?

About a year after my grandmother died I had a dream

She asked me "Can I go through you?"

I said "sure" and that was the dream.

Maybe 1999?

A few years ago I felt her leave me. I'm not sure why but she had ridden along in me until that point.

End of story.

Sorry I'm weird I know.

There's the door.

I'm not a psychic or a medium but I have great time for the ones that have passed that I knew

It's mostly just I chat to them and feel their presence and wonder if they have a light to shine on my path

So that's why I refer to them often

Of course they are there in our lives if we need them.

Of course they are.

A few years after my mother died I was in Australia and needed to buy a car.

I had purchased a guitar with money she had left me, a very expensive Fender Telecaster.

I knew I could buy a car with the money but I had associated this guitar very much as having come through her energy. So I felt unsure as to what to do

Was it right?

Was it wrong?

Should I keep it?

Should I sell it?

I was swinging between black or white answers.

Yes or no!?

I decided to ask her.

I said "Maura, should I A. Sell the guitar and buy a car? Or B. Keep the guitar because it was your money?"

An answer came to me "It doesn't matter"

Straight down the middle.



Not black or white.

And certainly not an option I had as a choice.

You tell me?


Did you ever?

