
Thinking doesn't overcome fear, action does.
But sometimes action is scary to approach.
That's why there's tea.
A cup of tea. I have a friend who could make you tea that would cure all that ails ya. Combinations of things, leaves, bark.
But all you need for this is one cup of tea.
Put the kettle on, or the jug if that's what you call it. Grab your favourite tea cup or mug and put a tea bag in. Or go all out with teapot and leaf. Respect to you.
While your waiting for the kettle to boil either write down possible action you can take to solve your problem or call a friend.

That tea will save your life. In hard times and good. Hospital waiting rooms and weddings. Tea is the slo mo shot from the Matrix.
It creates space and gives you the room to breath and consider. To savour and settle.
There's no doubt that with effort you can exert influence on any problem and get it to shift. You just need an ally, a schemer, and a friend.
A long long time ago when I was a child I was in the van with my father as we made deliveries for the shop.
At one house he had some business to do. Buying twenty head of cattle from a farmer.  This was going to be a subtle negotiation and quids could be lost or made based on a word.
As I sat by the open fire looking into a big Teabox full of tiny newborn yellow chicks I heard the farmer shout to his wife, "make tay woman!"
It was about to start


The instruction manual


Heart shaped potato