
One year let's just cancel Christmas

Let it just not for one year

Max out everyone's credit cards and give the money to the World Food Program

There have been 2022 of them

There might be that many more

Or maybe the one year off could quench it

The Aztechs had a heap of Gods and stories around none of whom we worship today

Worship anyway? An Omnipotent God needs me to Worship him/her/he/she/they?

Shit dies out

Like saying 'Kick the looser the the kerb!'

Huge in the 90s

Don't hear a breath of it now

By all accounts Jesus was fairly daysent

Good lad

Carpenter up til he was 30

Then got the lads together and did three years teaching then bang. Hung.


But so did Buddha like

Did better work in my opinion

Unpopular as that might be as an opinion to be flaunting around this close to his birthday

And how about living Avatars?

The magic ones alive that have a more relevant message to our present?

Asking us to go harder higher faster eat cleaner simmer the feckin jets once in a while


Just one year

I'd love that


The coSmic waiting room


The tax man