Whiskey And Grief.
Would it kill them to clean the widow
Dead wasps and a derelict Web
Mary sings like a canary
Banjo belligerent Deb
I'll have another stab shortly
Licking the back of my throat
End me honey from the rock
End me to begin again
Over the spear of the laughter
My grief like a haunting rises
Outside in the drizzle I puke up a tree
Then lie down amongst it
Hold me Oak surround me with power
Here before my grandfather was born
Lift me up and warm me up.
I'm yours I'm your little one your son
As beautiful as a being can be
See My soul, stand in for him gone who couldn't see it.
Never there He was broken early and
Welded shut.
The show was the show was all.
Now you are my father
Take my vomit and my tears and
Love me unquestioning always for all
I'll sleep here at your feet safe in the autumn.
My body won’t keep my sadness any longer
Can't disguise it with jokes or anger
or Convince myself it was my fuel
Death's ok by me.