The Healing power of banter.
Sure a heartfelt emotionally charged conversation with a therapist may bring you to healing but don't ever underestimate the healing power of banter.
Two people locked in a complicated dance of joy with personal in-jokes, cultural references , swearing, character assassination, embarrassing stories and jokes about your mother can be twice as healing.
First and foremost is the unstated primary bonus. I think you are worthy to banter. Nobody banters with a person they don't like. Nobody. Actually that is the first thing to go if two people fall out. But the fact that we are locked in a roaring shouting craic charged wrestle is firstly a statement- you are my friend.
In the workplace you'll know who's your friend by chucking in a bit of banter. There’ll be folks that don’t fancy a banter and folks that will, and the ones that do will make your life at work much easier.
A therapist will pretend to be your friend for $200 an hour but throw in a 'Yo Momma' joke and a couple of swear words see how much of a buddy she is. Sure nobody can heal under those circumstances.
In Ireland the call goes up for 'Pints!' A simple word with a much deeper meaning. "Lads, we will march on McDaids Pub and drink alcohol. During which time we will bond and remind each other of our inherent value as part of this group and also remind each other how that crowd and particularly that prick, are total irredeemable assholes".
Healing for the heart and soul and the single only reason the the first miracle performed by Jesus was to turn water into wine. A mighty man for the banter apparently.
You're not going to tell me that twelve blokes sitting around a fire after a feed of fish and pissed on wine didn't rip shreads off each other. Which in turn brought healing.
Then there was that time Jesus brought a fella back from the dead simply by turning up with the lads, a box of wine and two good fiddlers.
Sure, go to therapy if you have that kind of cash but like the saying goes - The best things in life are free. Call a friend. Banter.