I’m a fan of a hanson fan

So there I was, a cynical 55 year old Irish musician, seated in Sydney's Enmore Theatre wearing a Hanson T-Shirt.

What happened? As the Hanson brothers’ Australian Aunt is famous for asking " Please exploine?" Let me explain so Pauline.

I hold (going on ten years now) a Sunday afternoon residency in Newcastle N.S.W. in the most amazing venue in town, The Grain Store. One Sunday afternoon about two years ago I was up on the stage when a voice from my left shouted "Do you play requests?"

I responded with, "If I know it I'll sing it".

Three women were at the table with their, as I know now, very very understanding partners. The voice came back, "Play a Hanson song!”

Well in 35 years as a professional musician nobody had every asked me for a Hanson song. I just reckon most people who might think of doing so take one look at me and say 'Nah'. But not this woman. Well my response was that I didn't know a Hanson song and that I couldn't believe they were for real. Are you for real?

“Yes I'm for real. Play a Hanson song.”

“ I don't know any damn Hanson songs!

“Are you joking?”


Aaanyway, in my next break the ladies came up to say hello and explain that they were the Committee of the 'Bring Hanson To Newcastle' Association of N.S.W or something and ‘Hi I also work for the Newcastle Herald’ said herself. Oh do you sister? Says me visualising this woman doing a half a page review and ruining my business. Well I back peddled fairly rapidly apologising at the same time. Can ye come in next week and I'll learn a Hanson song for ye?

Yes, yes they would.

I found one I thought was good , learned it, they came back, I played it. Disaster averted.

Two years on and I've learned two Hanson songs, played at one of the girls weddings and hosted them many times over at The Grain. When I sing the songs they've got movements and responses down for each of them. Grown ass women.

And here's why I'm in the Enmore tonight. These women are full of joy. Full. They have an amazing friendship built over the years of following their chosen band. They spend a small fortune investing in their joy by going to the States for Hanson conventions and as I walk out of the Enmore they are getting ready to travel to Brisbane, Melbourne and two gigs in Aukland.

So am I a Hanson fan? I most certainly am not but the joy , kindness and most importantly the absolute passion these women bring with them everywhere is the cure for what ails ya. I'm here for that. That is the highest vibration on Earth and that is what's going to change humanities obsession with self destruction.  Mic drop. Keeping the T-Shirt. Get stuffed!

I'm a big fan of a Hanson fan.

